Improving Veterinary Practice Value at the Employee Hiring Stage
Jim Connelly, CEO and Founder of Org Ex, uses the science of human behavior to assist business owners with their hiring decisions. Mr. Connelly has conducted over 2,000 behavior-based interviews which are interviews designed to predict the future behavior of an applicant based on their past behavior. The interview techniques are commonly used by human resource personnel […]
Can Your Veterinary Practice Be Too Profitable?
By: Nikki Nitz, CPA CMA – There is a lot of information circulating about No-Lo practices. But how about we flip the coin and talk about highly profitable practices? You would think that there should be no issue with having a higher profit percentage correct? Well, think again. A No-Lo practice is one that has […]
Dealing With Veterinary Practice Sales Leases
Elizabeth Bellavance, Simmons Canada It is becoming more common for suppliers of veterinary products and services to enter into long-term contractual agreements with veterinary practice owners. These agreements can have far-reaching implications for veterinary practice owners, especially if owners want to sell their practice during the agreement term. Read on to learn why we advise […]